The Audacity of Hope
Ripples of Possibility: Ordinary People, Unexpected Change
We tend to put historic heroes on pedestals. Their iconic words echo through history, rallying cries that sparked whole movements. But what about their private doubts, their tears out of the public eye, their sheer exhausted humanity facing waves of animosity?
I think about the flesh-and-blood Martin Luther King Jr. — not the etched-in-stone legend — walking that final mile against the threats raining down, his body surely aching beyond belief. Could anyone judge him if icy fingers of hatred gripped at his heart in those finale hours? Yet somehow, even summiting at the apex of opposition, Dr. King’s spirit held untouched. He appealed to conscience not fury. His eyes gazed not on the snarling beasts surrounding him, but the beckoning horizon ahead. Faith in the freedom dream ringing clear when most would spiral into despair.
And now the baton passes clumsily to our fumbling hands. We glance backwards at titans far towering over our mettle. But then a whisper takes hold…what if ordinary folks like me and you also harbored that same audacity of hope? What if we faced down our smaller fears match their monumental courage stride for stride?
“The time is always right to do what is right.”
I’m realizing the true struggle lives immediate right here in this very moment, not enshrined in past glories. Darkness still threatens in new forms. Doubt still freezes. Do we shrink into the familiar smallness or rise fueled by remembering their boldness? I say we lock arms, channeling King’s resilient love into our overflowing souls, carrying his living legacy forward into landscapes still crying out now for liberation.
Maybe you believe yourself too road-weary, too cynical or jaded from mile after mile of this journey called life to ignite real change. I confess I once clung to that stale mindset myself not too long ago. But bear witnessing everyday people somehow transforming hatred with unconditional love — that plants seeds of possibility deep in gut. Watch their ripples reaching unexpected shores.
So friend, shall we muster just a little holy audacity? Let’s etch our humble place in history marching not with vitriol but relentless hope. With “love warriors” not “justice” but “healing” scrawled on our tattered banners. Let’s stride purposefully onward, eyes no longer lowered but fixed on horizons cleared by saints like King. We carry their still-flickering torch of tireless faith and belief in the unbelievable. Who’s with me? Say amen somebody!
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